#6 - "Anyone Here Seen Billy?"
1965 - 1966
When Chad escorts Billy Harker to Austin for trial, Billy's girlfriend Laurie ambushes him and Billy gets away. Chad sneaks back to Laredo in his underwear to get clothes, a new horse and a gun without anyone knowing he's lost a prisoner.
The three Rangers use Laurie to find Billy and his gang, but not before she leads them in the wrong direction. She charms Reese into unwittingly helping her escape and knocks him out with a frying pan. She then gets the boys into a brawl with some cattle drovers. She leads the Rangers on a chase using tricks to cover up her tracks and entices them into a shoot-out with the Harker gang at a mining camp.
The Captain is skeptical over the coincidence that the horse thief was a member of the Harker gang who led them to the destruction of the whole gang, but as usual leaves well enough alone.
NiteOwl Review: Another of our favorite episodes. It offered humor, comradery, action and wasn't too silly. It also provided a little beefcake courtesy of Smith and Brown. It's a must have for a Peter Brown collector. We have "high end" Joe being the clever one who figures how to get Laurie to lead them to the Harker gang. Sad to say, Peter Brown's chemistry with the villainess in this episode was much better than with his fiancee in the previous one. We've heard this is also one of Peter Brown's favorites.
He's caught and teased by Joe and Reese. The next morning, Joe and Reese are assigned to bring in the thief who would dare steal a horse from the Rangers. The only clue to the thief's identity, the wet socks Chad left behind. They find Chad just as Laurie (left as a decoy) is biting him in the course of a fight.
Chad sneaking into the barracks
after losing his prisoner
Chad disposing of his wet socks
Joe and Reese throwing a
little sarcasm Chad's way
The only clue to the horse thief's identity
A determined Chad
Original air date Oct 21, 1965
Directed by Lawrence Dobkin
Written by John McGreevey

Regular Cast
Neville Brand as Reese Bennett
Peter Brown as Chad Cooper
William Smith as Joe Riley
Phil Carey as Capt. Parmalee

Guest Cast
Joan Staley as Laurie Martin
Robert Hoy as Donovan
Mickey Finn as Heath
John McCann as Billy Harker
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